What is Futsal?
Futsal is the way the world plays indoor soccer. It is played on all the continents of the world in over 100 countries by more than 12 million players.
Futsal is played on a basketball-size court. Without the walls, futsal is a GREAT SKILL-DEVELOPER, demanding quick reflexes, fast thinking, and pin-point passing. It is an exciting game for children as well as adults.
Great soccer superstars such as Pele, Zico and Socrates grew up playing the game and credit Futsal with developing their skills. Futsal is played with a special low bounce ball, requiring players to use their skills, rather than the ball’s bounce, to propel it.
- Allows players to frequently touch the one "toy" on the field, namely, the ball.
- Presents many opportunities to score goals and score goals often.
- Encourages regaining possession of the ball as a productive, fun and rewarding part of the game (defending).
- Maximizes active participation and minimizes inactivity and boredom.
- Provides a well-organized playing environment with improvised fields.
- Reflects the philosophy of PLAYER DEVELOPMENT expressed in state and national coaching schools.
- Eliminates complicated rules such as off-sides that may hinder youngsters from "playing".
- Reflects the appropriate roll of the coach as a Facilitator.
- Makes the game more "beginning coach" friendly because the game is simpler, thus making it easier to recruit more volunteer "coaches".
- Allows the game to be the teacher!
- Futsal is very fast-paced and forces the children into decision-making situations. It is very good at developing a youth player’s individual technical skill and will greatly improve a player’s outdoor ability.
Futsal Videos
Rules of Futsal
The best futsal players in world showing off their skills:
Learn some specific futsal skills:
Professional Futsal Highlights
FIFA - Living for Futsal
Our Futsal Director
Frank L. Bonardi is the Futsal Director for the Tiburon Peninsula Soccer Club and the Executive Director of Marin Futsal.
For questions about the Tiburon Futsal Academy, contact Frank Bonardi, futsal@tiburonsoccer.org