Recreational Age Group Program
5th/6th grade program
5th-6th grade teams - MISA South
Marin Interleague Soccer Alliance (MISA)
TPSC’s older recreation league teams participate in the Marin Interleague Soccer Alliance (MISA). The Marin Interleague Soccer Alliance is a group of eight Marin County soccer clubs working to ensure that our players have the opportunity to play soccer against teams throughout Marin, while ensuring fair and competitive play.
It is important that players who will play on TPSC grade teams, register as early as possible as players will be placed on a first come basis.
TPSC 5th/6th grade teams will have practice twice per week for 1.5 hours per practice. Teams are coached by a pro coach at practices and games.
Team Placement
Placement on 5th/6th grade teams is on a first-come basis. Upon registration, players are assigned a placement number. The first twelve players registered will be placed on a team, after which subsequent registrants will be placed on a waiting list in order of registration, and placed on a subsequent team(s), provided sufficient players sign up to form a team. If sufficient players register to enable more than one team, placement will be made to ensure balanced teams (balance of age/grade and ability). If insufficient players register to form a subsequent team(s), those registered will be put on a waiting list.
Let us know if you have any questions -