Frequently Asked Questions For Competitive Parents
FAQ for Competitive Parents
Find Out Important Information And Answers To Many Of The Most Common Questions Asked By Parents.
Recreational Soccer
The large majority of soccer players in the TPSC play recreational soccer. Recreational soccer is the least intense soccer experience offered by the TPSC, not involving substantial travel, and with limited exceptions, not involving tournaments except for the year-end Jamboree for 3rd grade and older teams. Unlike the competitive programs, parents are not required to make a financial commitment for recreational soccer beyond the annual registration fees and routine costs such as for soccer gear and refreshments after games.
While recreational soccer does not require the time or financial commitment of competitive soccer, it does provide players with competition, the ability to be part of a team, and a challenge to improve soccer skills. With a lower pressure level, many have found recreational soccer to be the most enjoyable level of play. Recreational players who are in kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade play other teams within the TPSC and Corte Madera Rec League. 3rd - 6th grade teams play with TPSC, Corte Madera and Mill Valley Soccer recreational teams.
(Rec) Marin Interleague Soccer Alliance - MISA
Older players who are 7th grade through 12th grade participate in the Marin Interleague Soccer Alliance (MISA). Each TPSC MISA team has a professional coach for both of their twice-a-week training sessions. Volunteer parent coaches coach the team at the weekend games. MISA play is a challenging and fun option for players who are not playing in the Competitive program. Signups for a TPSC MISA team are held at the same time as the Recreational signups and are first-come, first serve. For more information about MISA, visit their website:
Competitive Programs in Tiburon
Competitive teams register with US Club Soccer and play in the NorCal Premier League. The goal is to "flight" our teams into the league with the most appropriate playing level.
Competitive teams travel to games throughout the northern Bay Area counties and several times a season may play in tournaments throughout northern California.
All competitive programs provide an exciting experience for those players who show the talent and commitment to go beyond recreational soccer. Each team has a professional coach hired by the club (See bios) and we are proud to say that we have one of the strongest coaching staffs in the area!
Sometimes there are not enough players to form a team in a particular age group. At those times, we often work with other Southern Marin Clubs to combine players to form a team.
For both the parents and players, the commitment is not to be taken lightly. Participation in regular practice is mandatory. Coaches expect players to be on time and focused. Parents are called upon to pay for uniforms, tournaments, and traveling expenses for themselves and their coach (for tournaments). Parents are also enlisted as volunteers for team management, home tournament hosting duties, etc. And families are asked to schedule summer vacations early and to be in town and available for tournaments and all league games between August and early December unless the team enters a postseason cup with a later ending date. (Please note, competitive players are required to be available for training and games beginning with our TPSC Competitive Camp in mid August. Absence may result in a loss of playing time.)
Competitive soccer players experience the thrill of a higher level of competition. They travel, usually together with their families; they learn to accept and deal with new challenges, winning and losing, they learn a "thinking" sport from the best coaches and trainers that we can provide, they establish new and lasting friendships; and, most importantly, they acquire top physical conditioning, all the building blocks for strong self-esteem and confidence.
Our competitive teams begin light training after tryouts and through the spring, averaging twice per week at a schedule determined by field, coach and player availability. TPSC also offers clinics and/or activities for both field players and goalkeepers during the season and off-season and all competitive players are welcome and encouraged to attend. These clinics may focus on specific skills and/or offer the opportunity to get lots of touches in a competitive and FUN situation.
The Competitive Committee, under direction and approval of the Board, attempts each year to maximize the number of children enjoying the opportunity of playing competitive soccer while attempting to ensure that they are playing at a suitable level that will help their development as players and foster their love of the game.
In a given age group, if there are enough competitive level players to field two teams, two teams will be formed in accordance with our parent organizations’ rules. If not, one team will be formed and the other players encouraged to play recreational level and to try-out again next year.
Occasionally, there will not be enough players in a given age group to field even one team that will be competitive with other teams. In those circumstances, players are advised to tryout in other appropriate playing leagues.
While it’s typical for the nucleus of players in each age group to try out each year, all teams are officially re-selected from scratch each season. However, as the teams get older and move to larger sided games, there are always openings due to player movement and increased roster size.
On rare occasions, a spot may open up on a competitive team after tryouts. This may be due to a player moving, being injured, or through similar circumstances. At these times, at the discretion of the Club, a player who formerly tried out, or had subsequently come to the attention of the Club (for instance, a previously unrecognized recreational player) may be asked to practice with and/or join the team. There are also instances where a competitive-level player moves to the community after tryouts and a roster spot is made available to enable that player to participate at the appropriate level of competition. All such additions are made only with the approval of the Club's DOC.
Coaches submit applications to the Competitive Committee of the Tiburon Peninsula Soccer Board. Regardless of previous experience, all applicants are reviewed, and evaluations from previous seasons and/or recommendations carefully considered. Coaches must be approved and hired by the club in order to coach in the TPSC. Final decisions on teams fielded each year and coaches recommended for those teams are determined by the Director of Coaching and Competitive Committee after consideration of the number and quality of the players in each age/gender grouping at tryouts.
Teams hold non-mandatory practices during the spring (averaging once per week after tryouts, with a schedule determined by field availability, coach and families to be sensitive to children participating in other spring sports). Formal twice-weekly practices generally begin in earnest after Team Camp week in August.
All competitive players should be prepared to be available for training and games when teams begin practice in August. The Club holds a competitive camp in early August (not included in comp fees), then teams also hold a week-long "training camp" the week of August 9-13 (2013 and older) or August 16-18 (2014); these are usually for a few hours during the morning or the mid-to-late afternoons. Decisions as to which tournaments and/or jamborees (including post-season Cup play) the team will participate are decided by the club.
Coming soon...
TRYOUT DATES - Tryouts typically are held in early May. Please check back for the tryout schedule later.
There are many ways for parents to be involved with competitive teams. The Club and coach will ask one parent to "manage" the team. The Manager is a non-coaching, but essential position. Managers facilitate communication between Club and team and coach and team. They handle player cards and game scheduling and are responsible -or delegate responsibility- for tournament travel planning team parties and other team related duties. (Don’t worry, the Club provides plenty of support and information for managers). Parents and older siblings are encouraged to take the free referee licensing course as we need up to 3 licensed referees at every home game.

Donate to our Field
Our beautiful field by the bay, McKegney Green has been renovated. Thank you to everyone who donated to the project!